Vm horizon client
Vm horizon client

Specifies the published application reconnection behavior setting. Specifies the published application display protocol to use, if available. The name is the display name that was specified for the application pool in the pool creation wizard. Specifies the name of the published application as it appears in the desktop and application selection window. Horizon Client Command-Line Options Option The following table shows the command-line options that you can use with the vmware-view command.

  • 64-bit systems on ARM: C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Horizon View Client\.
  • 64-bit systems: C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Horizon View Client\.
  • You can add this path to the PATH environment variable on the client system. The default path to the vmware-view command executable file depends on the client system. Use the following form of the vmware-view command from a Windows command prompt.

    vm horizon client

    The syntax of the vmware-view command controls the operation of Horizon Client. The vmware-view.exe command includes options that you can specify to change the behavior of Horizon Client. To run Horizon Client from the command line, you use the vmware-view.exe command. You might want to run Horizon Client from the command line if you are implementing a kiosk-based application that grants end users access to remote desktop applications.

    vm horizon client

    You can run Horizon Client from the command line or from scripts.

    Vm horizon client